Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Episode 92 -Us vs. them, lasers, and the Oxford comma - 02/16/2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Episode 92 is all about the silly things humans do—except the Oxford comma. That’s serious, important, and irreplaceable.
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Episode 91 - Thank You 2019 - 12/31/19
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Six Degrees rings in the New Year just as you’d expect – with a wide selection of science articles ranging from zany to outright f*cked up! We discuss everything from the age you discover the meaning of life to what elderly female whales do when their reproductive years are at an end. Oh, there's also a fair amount on what new horrors the overuse of technology may have in store for us, a story about a baby being buried alive, and we reveal a drug that's wreaking more havoc than the opioid crisis.
But you know, it's just another episode in the life of Six Degrees <3
“When will you discover the meaning of life?”
“Society’s addiction to lithium batteries”
“Alcohol kills more US people a year than opioids”
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Episode 90 - Six Degrees of Yule-mination - 12/21/19
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Monday Dec 23, 2019
Celebrate this holiday Six Degrees of Rumination style! Episode 90 is full of Christmas cheer - and a little Christmas caution. Sure, the holidays are awesome and most people love them, but if you're one of those individuals who worries more about the waste Christmas generates than how much joy you're spreading, then boy do we have articles for you! Don't worry, there are plenty of articles about the magic of Christmas too. There's even a website where you can email Santa!
This holiday season, Six Degrees will be joining all the other Christmas travelers. Producer Mike and host Nina Boyd are headed from one end of the state to the other to be with family, and host Reno Gorman is headed on a drive with even worse traffic to the outskirts of the Bay Area. You can be sure they'll be listening to their favorite podcasts in the car.
We hope this episode keeps you company during all of your holiday traveling!
*shameless self promotion*
In this episode, Producer Mike plugged his band- The Bitters- and their new Christmas single. Listen here:
Host Nina Boyd plugged her Christmas (and other occasions!) cards. Browse here:
Finally, host Reno Gorman didn’t plug it this time, but he’s a yoga teacher and yoga teacher trainer AND a body worker! Find out more here:
Thanks for listening!
“Why are there no new Christmas songs?”
“Christians have the most abortions”
“’Tis the Season to take out the trash”
“Murderer dies and is resurrected; believes he has completed life sentence”
“10 Facts about the Winter Solstice”
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Episode 89 - Octwapolis - 10/17/19
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
We're almost at Episode 90! We really wanted to get there, so we thought we'd make Episode 89 short. Except for the part where producer Mike talks about Terminator for twenty minutes...
After that, Reno explains that plants are renewable and therefore should be eaten by robots, and everyone tries to figure out whether people are growing horns due to cell phone use.
Good thing we end on a high note--oh wait.
What's that growth on your skull?
The brain eats itself if chronically sleep-deprived
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Episode 88 - WWPMD? 09/26/19
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
Thursday Sep 26, 2019
The world is a strange place, as we’ve learned on this podcast again and again. Enjoy this collection of the weird, the hilarious, and the terrible. Life’s just a bowl of cherries...or, sometimes, a bucket of heads.
Thoughts and prayers
Weed cookies
NFL Sensory rooms
Talking to strangers
weird and emotional airplane behavior
Chernobyl vodka
Bucket of heads
Zombie trees
Vaginal atrophy
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Episode 87 - Animals are assholes too…even if they don’t have one - 4/20/19
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Last episode we brought you tales of humanity...now we bring you tails of animals. Oh yes we did!
Animals are just as crazy as humans, if not more. Although, since we're the ones studying them, can we really say the evidence isn't biased by the observer?
Cats know their names even if they pretend not to
People in New Jersey are getting high off catnip
A toxic garbage fire in Arkansas
Some birds set their prey on fire
A woman had 4 bees living in her eyes
Genetically modified mosquitoes
Scientists turn carbon dioxide back into coal
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Episode 86 - Oh, the humanities! - 4/13/19
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Saturday Jun 22, 2019
Six Degrees presents you with episode 86 - tales of humanity. Oh, how crazy we are.
A cop can't pull you over for flipping them off
Phasing out gas powered leaf blowers in DC
Herbalist is jailed for replacing insulin treatments with lavender oil
This woman can smell Parkinson's
Death metal doesn't desensitize you to violent imagery
Under employers' gaze, Gen Z is biting its tongue
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Episode 85 - The Animal episode - 3/24/19
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Have you ever wondered why animals act or look the way they do? What about those really rare strange type of animals you never knew existed—and now that you know, you’re terrified!? Well, Six Degrees covers them all in episode 85, from discussing squirrels of unexpected colors to why zebras have stripes. Oh, and some unborn sharks are cannibals…
Flying squirrels glow in the dark
The answer to why zebras have stripes
Baby sharks are hungry....REALLY HUNGRY
Scientists create the first successful biohybrid
Is organic food worse for the climate?
Cigarettes are the largest source of ocean trash
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Episode 84 - 1984 - 3/17/19
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
It's 1984! Yes, that's right, you are about to experience the Six Degrees episode bearing that name, BUT ALSO, looking at scientific trends these days, we are apparently living in the horrifying society from the prophetic dystopian novel! Join hosts Reno and Nina (who are both experts on 1984 since they were born then) as they discuss all of technology's beautiful and terrifying capabilities. Oh, and producer Mike gets to sing the terminator theme a lot.
Conscious robots with insect brains
Robots that sleep and dream perform better
AI can tell if you're gay or straight
New "dumb phone" can cure your app addiction
Live vicariously through a human uber
Cuteness overload and what it does to some people's brains
Alzheimer's can't destroy memories of good music
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Episode 83 Wrapping up the year with random shit 12/20/18
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Thursday Dec 20, 2018
Enjoy our last episode of the year!
Six Degrees wraps up the year with random articles that are somehow crazier and more fantastical than all the articles of 2018 combined. China makes plans to launch a second moon, nanorobots are now capable of drilling drugs directly into your eyes, and anti-vaxxers strike once more before 2019.
Hope you have a happy new year!